Ibrahim Khan

8400 Boteler Ln, College Park, MD 20740 · (240) 610-7127 · khan993@umd.edu

I believe that being a ‘Jack of all Trades’ is essential in today’s fast-growing and highly integrated tech industry. As an undergraduate, I want to keep exploring the technological spectrum, learn new things and not limit myself to one domain. Thus, I don’t mind being called a ‘Jack of all Trades’.

Fun fact: The complete ‘Jack of All Trades’ saying was originally “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” I am versatile and I am curious about the many interesting domains of technology and thus, I strive to understand services more holistically.

I enjoy Mobile and Web Application Development. I enjoy learning about UI/UX development. I notice how UI/UX is a lot human psychology and that is why being empathetic helps you garner a better experience for the user. I enjoy low level coding (currently playing with LinkedList in Assembly languages). I enjoy learning about the power of cloud computing and about the many changes this industry is witnessing. I enjoy learning about cyber security and how hackers exploit the slightest of vulnerabilities to their advantage. Finally, all these data driven problems lead me to explore the power of data science and machine learning.


Software Intern


June 2021 - Present

Undergraduate Research Assistant

University of Maryland
  • Defined a service that uses the popular 2 Phase commit (2PC) Database Concurrency Control Protocol
  • Designed a stub implementation as well as service tester for testing applications and implementations
  • Developed executable code for the service using threads to simulate multiple transactions
June 2021 - Present

Software Intern

Clark School of Engineering
  • Productionized a Node.js web app to enable real-time interaction with 4 laboratory equipments
  • Refined and documented APIs for faster development with incoming interns (saved ~8 hours/member)
  • Initiated the Scrum Agile Methodology to organize, iterate and improve software functionalities
  • Streamlined real-time communication between the web client & Azure’s IoT Hub (Response time 0.92s)
  • Implemented Secure Multi-factor Authentication with Node.js using the University of Maryland’s CAS client & third-party authentication using Google SDK to reduce user onboarding time
  • Developed & designed responsive User Interface using the grid methodology in HTML5 & CSS3
  • Deployed the production environment on Heroku cloud and maintained user sessions with MongoDB
June 2020 - September 2020

Technology Intern

National Skill Development Center (NSDC)
  • Data analysis and visualization of employment rate, literacy rate and dropout rate for each state.
  • Core data provided by the National Commission on Statistics
  • Led presentations focused on familiarizing High School dropouts about employment opportunities in the Electronics Sector
  • Initiated and established an online service platform for educating aspiring candidates
January 2019 - June 2020


University of Maryland

Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Engineering - Cyber Security Specialization (Anticipated Graduation: May 2022)

GPA 3.6

Manarat Al Riyadh

High School

GPA 3.9


Programming Languages



Technologies & OS


  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Agile Development & Scrum

Personal Projects


  • Co-founded a Dating meets Social Media Application that lets users confess to their Crush
  • Reduced API calls by 40% by implementing a local database with SQLite to store messages and user profiles
  • Implemented Snapchat like user stories
  • Created 35 robust RESTful routes and 13 socket events using asynchronous programming
  • Maintained Scrum for Agile Development and led design reviews to assess the product design
  • Performed widget and integration testing for the during all phases of development

Swipe & Invest

  • Co-founded a Mobile App that performs Sentiment Analysis on recent Stock News to predict stock trends
  • Rendered relevant news articles for each trending stock & collected sentiment data using a deck-swiping UI like Tinder
  • Provided statistical analysis of the collected sentiment data and nudged users to make short term investing decisions based on the news
  • Rendered the Stock's Historical Price Chart and provided fundamental information like PE Ratio, Market Cap, 52-week High/Low etc.

Cache Simulator

  • Implemented a program to simulate cache behaviour of a 4-state Cache
  • Analyzed the impact of different cache configurations (e.g. block size, cache size etc.)
  • Provided statistical analysis of the collected sentiment data and nudged users to make short term investing decisions based on the news
  • Rendered the Stock's Historical Price Chart and provided fundamental information like PE Ratio, Market Cap, 52-week High/Low etc.

Trading Bot

  • Developed a Python Script that uses support and resistance levels to give alerts about buying opportunities

Duty Scheduler

  • Created a Web Application to automate the RA Duty Scheduling process reducing time by 80%
  • Used Google Firebase to maintain user sessions and rendered real time changes on the calendar

AES Security

  • Developing the Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) Algorithm that supports operations in 128-bit key schedules

Checkers Game

  • Developed a Checkers game in Assembly Language

Awards & Certifications

  • Dean’s List (Academic Honor)
  • 2nd in High School Graduating Class
  • 2014 KFUPM Math Olympiad - Gold Medal
  • Toastmaster Debate - Regional Winner
  • Toastmaster Speech - Regional Winner
  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Foundations Associate Certification
  • Tawadul Stock Trading Competition
  • Creative Minds Competition - Runners Up