Ibrahim Khan
I believe that being a ‘Jack of all Trades’ is essential in today’s fast-growing and highly integrated tech industry. As an undergraduate, I want to keep exploring the technological spectrum, learn new things and not limit myself to one domain. Thus, I don’t mind being called a ‘Jack of all Trades’.
Fun fact: The complete ‘Jack of All Trades’ saying was originally “A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.” I am versatile and I am curious about the many interesting domains of technology and thus, I strive to understand services more holistically.
I enjoy Mobile and Web Application Development. I enjoy learning about UI/UX development. I notice how UI/UX is a lot human psychology and that is why being empathetic helps you garner a better experience for the user. I enjoy low level coding (currently playing with LinkedList in Assembly languages). I enjoy learning about the power of cloud computing and about the many changes this industry is witnessing. I enjoy learning about cyber security and how hackers exploit the slightest of vulnerabilities to their advantage. Finally, all these data driven problems lead me to explore the power of data science and machine learning.